Join our Loyalty Rewards Program!

by | Feb 6, 2025 | Music & Notes

Sign up today!

Earn future discounts just by buying food, drinks or Merch at Dazzle! Join our Loyalty Rewards Program and every time you pay with the QR code at your table – you will earn Spots. (Or if you prefer to pay with a card, just have the wait staff add the Spots you accrue to your loyalty account.) Use this link to sign up or the QR code below. Collect 250 spots and get a whopping $10 off your bill!

Sign up for The Dazzle Loyalty Rewards Program

Loyalty Spots are good for discounts on food, drink and Merch, they cannot be used for discounts on tickets. Dazzle will not sell your information to anyone. This is an in-house program only for our favorite guests!

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